Patient Meals


您的营养、护理和康复对我们非常重要. 你的医生和注册营养师评估你的医疗状况和 prescribe a diet 适合你的身体状况.

我们要求家人不要从家里给你带食物. If, 因为宗教或文化原因, 您无法从我们的菜单中选择, 请告知您的营养代表,以便我们为您安排 special request.


不管你住在约翰·霍普金斯的哪家医院, we offer patients freedom and flexibility in both meal times and food selections:

  • Patients can choose their meals from a wide range of delicious food items and ask for their meals to be delivered to their room at a specific time.
  • 被安排手术的推荐十大正规网赌平台, can pre-order meals ahead of time from their hospital room or from home before the admission.
  • 需要协助订货的推荐十大正规网赌平台, 能从护士和/或客房服务接线员那里得到帮助吗, 或者让家人从家里打电话叫餐.

We request that you eat in your room, unless you have the written consent of your physician. However, with this written permission, you are free to eat elsewhere in the hospital

How to Order

Room dining hours and meal delivery times vary by hospital and by patient unit. 问问你的护士什么时候有客房服务.

如果可能的话,请协助我们在用餐时间清理你的床上桌子. Please notify the nursing staff and patient advocate in advance if you wish to purchase a meal tray for a guest. Guest meals are available for an additional fee and charged to your hospital bill.


Special Requests

Your hospital menu includes nutrition information to help you identify vegetarian, heart-healthy, 当你点餐时还有其他选择. 如果你有乳糜泻,告诉你的护士或营养服务部门, a food allergy, 或者其他需要特殊饮食的疾病, 或者您是否需要西班牙语菜单或翻译服务.

可应要求提供犹太餐. 约翰霍普金斯医院有安息日电梯和犹太食品室. Kosher meals can be ordered from the menu, and are prepared at a local kosher restaurant. 对于其他医院,请咨询您的护士或联系营养服务.

Therapeutic Diets

What you eat plays an essential role in helping you stay healthy and manage health conditions. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, 癫痫和许多其他健康问题都受到饮食的影响.

Your physician may prescribe a therapeutic diet for you while you are in the hospital. Your meal choices are automatically adjusted so you don’t have to worry about choosing an item that is not on your diet. 客房服务人员可以帮助您选择餐点.

Here are few common diets and what they mean to help guide your food choices.

Nutritional Counseling

不管你是在医院还是已经出院了, our registered licensed dietitians and other health professionals can provide you with nutritional counseling to help you maintain your therapeutic diet, 为自己的健康负责,保持最佳状态.


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